What Herb Thinks
International Iraq

It looks like it's only a matter of time until the United States and Britain seek the help of the international gang in rebuilding Iraq (Read about it here  I  And here).

And if you've been following my commentaries, you know this is what I've been expecting. The reason I've been expecting this is because I believe America's occupation of Iraq could give birth to the Babylon we find mentioned in the New Testament book of Revelation.

For one thing, America is the "melting pot" of the nations. America is the first place where all the nations God scattered at the Tower of Babel have successfully been able come back together. And, after the second World War, America created the United Nations in the American image.

Now, at long last, American power has returned these scattered nations back to their ancient land of origin in Iraq. Not only does America plan on establishing a permanent presence in the region, now it looks like she will be inviting in the UN international gang as well.

What this means is, if this new UN resolution passes, there will be literally hundreds of nations occupying and rebuilding Iraq. As a result Iraq would become a very wealthy country and her capitol a major international center. And, her power and influence would overshadow the entire Middle East region -- including Israel.

When the Apostle John had his visions of the two beasts in Revelation chapter 13, he was on the small Island of Patmos just off what is now the Turkish coast. The Apostle saw one 10-horned beast coming from the sea, and one two-horned beast coming from the earth -- or land. We must keep in mind what a beast is in Bible prophecy -- it's a king and kingdom that rises over Israel.

Here's my point: From John's perspective on Patmos, it's happening to Israel just as the Bible foretold. First we have the rise of the beast from the sea -- the EU's revived Roman Empire, and now we may have the rise of the beast from the land -- international Iraq.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.