What Herb thinks
Int'l Gang Back Kerry

Things aren't as simple as we'd like them to be. It's not as easy as the left against the right, or the Democrats against the Republicans. Of all people, we Christians should know that.

And history clearly warns us it's dangerous when religion and politics combine. However, Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry really scares me. Here's why:

For many young people, the sixties was a time of choosing sides. Not everybody saw the choice before them exactly the way I did  -- a choice between Christ and the antichrist, but most saw it in their own way. And, they made a choice. Some accepted Jesus and the Spirit of God. Others -- whether they knew it or not -- accepted the spirit of anti-christ.

In Europe today most of the leaders are products of the sixties. In other words, they too made a choice. And it's plain to me which choice they made by their continuing political moves towards deeper European unification. They're like blind men building their own cage, unaware of what they're doing. And in my view, their blindness can only be explained by the antichrist spirit that is leading them.

And this brings us to Kerry. From what I've read about Kerry, he appears to have made the same choice as the European leaders. Kerry is a internationalist. In fact, it's been reported Kerry when he was young once suggested bringing American forces under the control of the United Nations. And although a Vietnam veteran himself, Kerry sided with the radical left, anti-war movement by giving testimony before Congress against the same American forces he had fought with.

Now it's being reported Kerry told his people in Florida foreign leaders were supporting him in his bid for the White House. Why doesn't this come as a surprise?

The fact is, whether you like him or not, President George W. Bush has stood up to the international gang from the beginning of his presidency. One of the very first things Bush did after taking office was to unsign the Rome Statute that former President Bill Clinton signed.

If you recall, it was the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court. And if the treaty was left signed, foreign laws would soon take precedent over the United States Constitution.

That's why Kerry scares me. And that's why I believe the international gang is supporting Kerry. The bottom line is, I fear we could be one administration away from the final world order of Bible prophecy.

Yes, in the sixties my generation made a choice.

Now it's another generation's turn.

Stay tuned.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.