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This could be it ... the covenant with the many. And, it's being reported Israel has accepted it Read about it here I And here. Friends, for us at FulfilledProphecy, this is big, big news. It's called the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). As for now, it's only between the 25 European Union member states and seven non-member states. These seven states are Israel, Ukraine, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. The goal, however, is to extend this agreement to 10 more nations. These nations are Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Gorgia, Lebanon, Libya, Russia Federation and Syria. Like I've been reporting, this is literally a covenant with many. And, its author is the man I wrote my book about, Javier Solana. Here's why this is important: You see, many times in my book I say, if these events I'm reporting are the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, then they will lead to a seven-year agreement with Israel. This agreement will be broken three and a half years later. I base this on Daniel 9:27 -- the passage Jesus was referring to in Matthew 24:15 and Paul was referring to in 1 Thessalonians 5:3. Where do we find a seven-year period to Solana's ENP? Well, on January 1, 2007, the EU's new seven-year budget term will begin. At that time, all participating nations will come under a new funding instrument drawn up by Solana. It includes follow-up revaluation elements. This means, each nation will have an Action Plan they must implement if they want to continue in the agreement. Solana is also tasked with monitoring these nation's compliance. And, he's to report mid-term -- in two years and again in three. Like I said, this could be it -- the covenant with many. Unfortunately, I suspect, because of the nature of this deal, it could enter into force on January 1, 2007, and no one will even notice. But, why should that be a surprise? No one noticed when the Western European Union reached that magic number of 10 nations in 1995. No one noticed when the Office of High Representative was filled in 1999 by Solana, or when the 10 nation's implemented their Assembly Recommendation 666 in 2000. And, today, no one seems to be noticing that the EU's so-called "big three" -- Germany, France and Britain -- will have to be subdued for Solana to exercise the full powers of his Office. So, why should anybody notice the beginning of the EU's next budget term in 2007? I can't think of any reason. 12-09-04