What Herb thinks
It's Coming Together

I have doubts about those who say they don't have doubts. That's because I'm full of doubts. And sometimes I need reassurance. But, that's nothing to be ashamed about.

Once even John the Baptist had doubts. If you recall, Jesus said there was no one born of woman greater than John the Baptist (Luke 7:28). Yet, upon finding himself in Herod's prison, John had doubts. And needing reassurance, John sent some of his disciples to ask Jesus if He really was the Messiah. The Gospel of Luke records:

And summoning two of his disciples, John sent them to the Lord, saying, "Are You the Expected One, or do we look for someone else?" (Luke 7:19 New American Standard Bible)

These disciples from John just happened to show up in time to personally witness Jesus performing some of His greatest miracles. Finally, after John's disciples delivered his question, Jesus responded by saying:

Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me (Luke 7:22-23).

Jesus knew just what John needed. John needed something more than words to get him through what was in store for him. You see, Herod was about to have John's head delivered on a silver platter. What John needed was another glimpse of God's big picture -- what God was doing in John's day in Israel. 

And sometimes, when doubts come, I need it too. I need to take another look at what God is doing in my day in Israel. And every time I do, I have the reassurance I need.

It appears Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and opposition leader Shimon Peres may be joining forces in a desperate attempt to bring peace to Israel. You see, a minority of Sharon's Likud Party won't give him the support he needs to keep his coalition government intact. In desperation, Sharon is turning to his arch rival Peres, leader of the liberal Labor Party. 

Here's my point: It was mostly the Labor Party that started Israel down that slippery slope of trading land for peace back in 1992. And it was mostly members of the Likud Party that reversed Labor's peace efforts by filling the territories with settlers.

But Bible prophecy tells us, in the end-times, Israel will finally be backed into a corner where a deal will have to be made. And, that deal Israel will make will be with a European leader from a revived Roman Empire.

Wouldn't you know it? At the same time we see in Israel the two primary opposing parties coming together in a desperate attempt to find peace, the Roman Empire is reviving and headed in Israel's direction. Not only that, soon, under its new Constitution, this modern-day Roman Empire will have a single leader with which Israel must negotiate.

I can see it again and my doubts go away. It's God's big picture.

And, it's coming together.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.