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Believe it or not, in this one Western European Union (WEU) document, the stage may actually be set for all the final events of end-time prophecy. The document, dated November 8, 2005, is the reply of the WEU Assembly to the last annual report made by the WEU Council Read it here. As I point out in my book, although the functions of the 10-nation WEU military alliance was said to have been taken over by the European Union (EU) back in 2000, a skeletal version of the WEU organization has continued. And, that's what's so intriguing about what's contained in this document. The document reveals why the WEU still exists. And, it reveals a heated battle for control within. The reason the WEU still exists is because, until the EU's new Constitution is ratified, the EU needs a legal framework to fall back on in order to build its beloved, independent, military apparatus. The EU's ambitious military program is known as the European Security and Defense Program (ESDP). In other words, although the EU's Constitution failed, thanks to the WEU, the EU's ESDP can continue uninterrupted. And, this even includes having their new, super Foreign Minister and his global diplomatic service -- up and running right on schedule. As far as the inner battle is concerned, the reason is as follows: The WEU is made up of two bodies -- the WEU Assembly and the WEU Council. The Assembly is where representatives from many nations meet for the purpose of providing democratic oversight over the EU's ESDP. The Council is where the defense and foreign ministers from the states that contribute to the ESDP meet with WEU's Secretary General, Javier Solana. These are the same who meet with Solana behind the closed doors of the EU Council, where Solana is also Secretary General. Needless to say, this is where the so-called "hard power" nations reside. You see, just as there has been a power struggle between the EU Council and the EU Parliament, the same struggle is occurring between the WEU Council and the WEU Assembly. The bottom line appears to be, the nation states that are providing the EU its hard power don't like a multitude of soft power nations' telling them what to do. And, these hard power nations, both in the EU and the WEU, just happen to be 10 in number. There is too much to cover here. For now, let me give you just three examples of why I believe this document is so prophetic. The first is on page 7, paragraphs number 9 and 10. 9. In regard to the first question, the majority reaction to the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by the French and Dutch peoples shows a general consensus that the area least affected by it is that of security and defence. For some, it is even precisely in that area that further new initiatives can be taken to break the deadlock currently surrounding the European project. 10. The answer includes both a legal and a political dimension. The first is relatively simple. For as long as the Constitutional Treaty has not entered into force, member countries are free to apply in anticipatory fashion and on a strictly voluntary basis the spirit of certain of its provisions, except in cases where the current treaties actually prohibit it. Now the Treaty on European Union in the version amended by the Treaty of Nice brought in the instrument of "enhanced cooperation" in its Title V provisions concerning the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The second is on page 8, paragraph 16. 16. In particular as regards the strengthening of the role of CFSP High Representative, transformed into a Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the development of a European diplomatic service to deal with the external action envisaged by the Constitutional Treaty, it would be quite feasible, from a juridical point of view, to continue to implement these projects on the basis of the existing treaties without waiting for ratification of the Constitutional Treaty. Conversely, from a political point of view, one has to ask oneself whether it would be appropriate to do so since these are specific elements of a Constitutional Treaty that has been rejected by two countries. And, the third is back on page 2, paragraph (x). (X) Stressing the importance of reviving the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership project set in train under the Barcelona Process, whose "Peace, Security, Stability" dimension does not yet measure up to initial aspirations; As I said before, a careful reading of this document should reveal to most students of Bible prophecy that the stage could actually be set for all the final events. If so, on January 1, 2007, we could actually witness the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. I will explain more later. So, stay tuned! 12-08-05