What Herb thinks
It's Perfect

It's perfect. The European Union at 25 can't be properly managed without its new constitution entering into force. And, the way things look, it's not going to happen. It's being reported the French voters are set to reject the constitution. Like I said, it's perfect.

In my book, Recommendation 666, I write about the Club of Rome. Membership is by invitation. It is reserved for former heads of state, scientists and other important players. 

The Club of Rome believes our world is headed for an uncontrollable collapse in its ability to sustain its population. And, they don't believe our world's democratically elected leaders will ever be allowed by their voters to take the steps necessary. 

What does this have to do with the EU not getting its new constitution? The EU leaders really need the new constitution in force to manage their 25-headed beast. And, just as the Club of Rome warns about the coming collapse, the European voters aren't allowing their leaders to take the steps necessary.

What does this have to do with saying it's perfect? You see, the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, is a member of the Spanish chapter of the Club of Rome. And, if you recall, he already has emergency powers that have been granted to him under the 10-nation Western European Union's (WEU) Assembly Recommendation 666. All he needs is an emergency.

Now, for some strange reason, French President Jacques Chirac called for a referendum to be held on France adopting the EU's new constitution. But, he didn't have to. He could have simply done it the way Germany and Austria did. They ratified the EU's new constitution through their parliaments Read about it here. Instead, he placed the EU on the road to a crisis. Why?

By the way, France is one of those 10-WEU nations. In fact, it was Solana and the French EU presidency that implemented Recommendation 666 back in 2000.

Friends, it's perfect.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.