What Herb thinks
From Jerusalem to Oslo

We forget our world is spinning. Not only that, it's also whirling around the sun. Why do we forget? Perhaps it's because we don't sense the motion.

But, we can see it -- if we look. Each time the sun comes up or the stars change locations in the sky we can see that our world is moving.

And, that's the way the new international world order is being built. Although we may not be able to sense the motion, we can see it if we know where to look.

Perhaps the best place to see it today is in the project known as the European Union. What began as a free trade area -- nothing more than a common market -- is now in the process of adopting a constitution and becoming a legal personality. It soon will even have a long-term president, a single foreign minister and a defense arm.

Soon the EU will be made up of 25 nations. However, it has no plans on stopping there. The EUobserver is reporting that Enlargement Commissioner, Günter Verheugen, predicts the EU's free trade area will someday extend from Jerusalem in the southern Mediterranean all the way up through Europe to the northern city of Oslo in Norway (Read about it here).

Here's my point: Even as the EU's Commissioner for enlargement himself makes this kind of prediction, there are still people today who say they can't see the foretold kingdom of the Antichrist coming in their lifetime.

Why can't they see it? Because, they only see free trade areas.

And, they can't sense the motion.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.