What Herb thinks
Just Staying Tuned

Nowhere does the Bible specifically teach that there is a seven-year tribulation period. It does tell us about a seven-year period known as Daniel's 70th week. But, it doesn't equate this seven-year period to the foretold tribulation period. Nevertheless, a seven-year tribulation is taught and believed today with little question. 

I'm still waiting for an answer to my question. If Revelation chapter 4 marks the beginning of a seven-year tribulation period and Daniel's 70th week-- as most teach, then why is the same throne room scene depicted happening after the antichrist appears boasting in the temple in Daniel chapter 7 (Daniel 7:7-11)? You see, from related Scripture we know that the antichrist begins his boasting in the middle of the seven-year period. Thus, the account in Daniel indicates the events unleashed by the Lamb breaking the seven-seals in Revelation 6 happens only over a 3 1/2 year period -- not seven. 

The problem I see is, much that's believed today about end-time prophecy isn't totally Bible. It includes a lot of speculations. As a result, many of us students aren't necessarily waiting for the prophecies to be fulfilled, we're waiting for our expectations to be fulfilled. And, I fear the seven-year tribulation idea may end up being a false expectation.

The reason I'm pointing this out is because some are finding it difficult to believe me when I say we could already be in the 70th week of Daniel. That's because we have always expected that the breaking of the seals begin the seven-year period. In other words, if we're already in Daniel's 70th week, they say, then the events unleashed by the breaking of the seals must have already begun. However, for reasons such as mentioned above, I don't believe this is necessarily true.

My reason for saying we may already be in the 70th week is not based on speculation. It's based entirely on the prophecies and the facts on the ground. Those students who say that they are the ones who take the Bible the most literally, are the ones who most should listen.

Most agree that when Israel was reborn in 1948 we saw the first great sign of end-time prophecy. And, Jesus told us that the series of events that make up the final drama of prophecy would all happen within one generation.

Immediately after Israel was reborn, the nations of Europe begin coming together and the old Roman Empire began to revived. Soon, a 10-nation alliance appeared along with the first Mr. Europe. Today Mr. Europe's 1995 Euromed covenant with many is providing the structure for the creation of an area of peace and security over the Euro-Mediterranean region. And, Mr. Europe's New European Neighbourhood Policy (NENP), which is a seven-year program that began on January 1, 2007, is bringing the Euromed nations -- including Israel -- into deeper political and economic harmony with today's reviving Roman Empire. And, Mr. Europe's NENP includes Action Plans tailored made for each participating country, with mid-term reviews. Here is a look at Israel's.

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Naturally, things yet could happen -- or not happen -- that may completely throw out the idea that we're already in Daniel's 70th week. But, until they do, I think it would be foolish for us students of Bible prophecy not to take these historic events seriously.

Just staying tuned.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.