What Herb thinks
Kerry's Solana World

Hal Lindsey may be right. This election American voters could be choosing between national sovereignty and world government. The tragedy is, the vast majority of Americans don't even know it.

It appears John Kerry is promoting the same internationalist agenda for America that Javier Solana is for the European Union Read about it here. And, considering their leftist politics, it's not reaching to suspect it's not by accident.

I'm not saying Kerry is willfully trying to undermine or harm America. I think the poor guy actually believes what he's doing is right. Here's why I say this:

Recently, I read about a Pentecostal minister in Sweden who went to jail for giving a sermon about what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. His name is Ake Green. I did a Google search using his name and the Kerry Edwards Website and discussion board came up. And, guess what; the people on Kerry's discussion board were actually debating the issue.

Friends, in America this type of thing shouldn't even be debatable. But, we have reached a time of such spiritual decline that it is.

And, as Solana World rises over Europe, the same could happen here.

Only it would be Kerry's Solana World 

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.