Yesterday morning I checked my email before going to the news. My first email started by saying: Now the capture of Saddam ... What a big WOW to wake up to. American forces actually got Saddam Hussein. Now this brings up a new question: What will Saddam's capture mean for us here on FulfilledProphecy.Com? I must admit, this news caught me completely by surprise. I'm going have to chew on this for awhile before I can write anything of substance. However, there is something that came to my mind. And wouldn't you know it -- it was Solana World. You probably think I've been focusing on Javier Solana and his Solana Doctrine to much. Perhaps I have. But let me explain why Saddam's capture brought Solana World to mind. In my book Recommendation 666 there is a chapter that deals with Javier Solana's membership in the Spanish chapter of the Club of Rome. Here's part of what I say: What people do with their spare time reveals something about their values. Some people join a church. Others join a club that shares their interests. Javier Solana joined the Spanish chapter of the Club of Rome. But this isn't just any club. It's only open, by invitation, to certain key players in our world -- such as scientists and former heads of state. What are the interests of these people who join the Club of Rome? It seems their main concern is for the creation of some form of global government. What does this have to do with Solana World and Saddam's capture? Well, after looking at the Solana Doctrine -- the EU's new security strategy, something dawned on me. Solana's new security strategy is actually the implementation of the policies and ideals of the Club of Rome. The Solana Doctrine is the Club of Rome's road map to global governance. An important part of Solana World is the strengthening of international law and courts. And, I can't think of a better villain for an international court to administer justice to than Saddam. Think about it: The world's worst tyrant being tried by the world's first world court. Here's my point: This is perfect for Solana. If American wants international (his) help in Iraq, he can ask that Saddam be given to the international community for justice. This would serve two purposes. Firstly, it would strengthen the international court idea. And secondly, it would bring the whole world together watching justice being dealt to the world's worst tyrant. Not only would this help bring about Solana's global governance, He could become the next King of Babylon. But these were just my Solana infested first thoughts. Besides, there may be an agreement in the works to let the Iraqis take care of Saddam themselves. Like I said, I'm going to have to chew on this. Stay tuned! 12-15-03