Our President made it clear. America is mad. And we should be. We were assaulted. We were attacked. We Americans were made war upon while we were going about our own business and peaceably enjoying our God-given freedoms. Now the world’s not going to be the same. We’re going to change it. Our President has decided to find those who were responsible for the wicked attacks in New York and Washington and make it so they can’t inflict their evil on us anymore. America has declared war on terrorism. Are we going to win? Sure we are. We are the world’s last superpower and somebody made us mad. Now we’re going to change things. It will be as our President promised in his speech to congress: “This country will define our time, not be defined by it.” Yet this brings us to an interesting question. How will the new world look? Only God knows the future. We humans can only speculate about it. And that is what I’m going to do now – speculate. But I’m going to cheat a little. You see, God has written a book – a #1 best-seller called the Bible. And, because God knows the end from the beginning, He writes about future events as easily as if they have already happened. So, does the Bible reveal anything about the outcome of America’s war against terrorism and how the world will look after its over? I believe it may. Although America is not directly mentioned, Scripture does provide us with a picture of the end-times. This end-times picture is like a paint-by-number painting – as this and that prophecy is fulfilled in history, the whole end-times picture becomes clearer. As I wrote in my last column, already some major prophecies may have recently been fulfilled in Europe. But unfortunately, as of this date, they have gone unnoticed. I’m referring to a 10-nation military alliance in the geographic area of the old Roman Empire becoming the military wing of the European Union. And a powerful new office of High Representative has been created to head this military wing and Europe’s new common foreign and security policy. These events were all predicted in Scripture. Back to what our world may look like after America wins her new war. It is a commonly held view that, before the final events of end-times prophecy occur, our world may experience a short time of peace and tranquillity. In other words, America’s war on terrorism may actually usher in a time of global hope and peace. Many Scriptures seem to indicate this. One is found in the Old Testament book of Daniel. Here we read, “In his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquillity and seize the kingdom by intrigue” (Daniel 11:21 New American Standard Bible). Many believe this passage of Scripture refers both to a Syrian king of the past – Antiochus Epiphanes, and also to a future world dictator yet to come – the Antichrist. This brings us to another question. How can the foretold Antichrist rise to global power with America around? What becomes of us – the world’s last superpower? Perhaps the next verse sheds light on this. It reads, “The overflowing force will be flooded away before him and shattered, and also the prince of the covenant” (Dan 11:22) Here we read about an “overflowing force.” This large force is later contrasted with a “small force” that the Antichrist will have when he occupies Israel (Dan 11:23). Maybe America, after winning her war and accomplishing a time of peace, may be deceived into giving up her superpower statues in favor of small international forces. And America will win her war. But it may be the last war of the last superpower. |