What Herb thinks
The Late Great Dollar

We've all been wondering what could bring America down. After all, Bible prophecy has nothing directly to say about America in the end-times. We'll, here it is.

According to these reports, the world economy could suddenly shift from the dollar to the euro Read about it here  I  And here. And, according to columnist Thomas Guzman, the stage is set where the dollar has become America's "Achilles heel" Read about it here. If the world does shift to the euro, America's global economic and military hegemony could be over.

All the pieces of the end-times puzzle seem to be coming together. And, they're doing it as foretold -- in just one lifetime. Israel is back crying for someone to bring them peace, a man in a reunited Europe is attempting to do just that, and America's global dominance is in danger of slipping away. And, we Chrisitans shudder because we know what's waiting in the wings.

So my friends, what's to be expected next?

If you know Jesus, here comes the good part:

He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly." Amen, Come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20 New American Standard Bible)

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.