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Yesterday I wrote about a secular source that had begun reporting what we've been reporting. The EU has been busy stealing NATO. In fact, I said if a Christian were to write a book about these shenanigans in Europe, it could be titled, The Late Great NATO. I also pointed out how it all began back in 1995 when Javier Solana became the head of NATO. Well, if the French don't ratify the EU's new Constitution next month, we could have another book coming. This one would be titled, The Late Great Solana. You see, on January 1, 2007, Solana is scheduled to become the EU's first, super Foreign Minister. This powerful new post is called for in the Constitution. So, if the Constitution doesn't get ratified by all 25 EU member states, Solana doesn't get his new job. Next month the French people will be holding their referendum. And, the way it looks now, it's possible the French could say no. If so, the whole Constitution of Rome could be toast. Why? Because, according to this report Read about it here, if the French say no, the British may decide to scrub their own referendum. And, the Netherlands may do the same Read about it here. In other words, a French no next month could domino the Constitution off the table and Javier Solana out of a job. As you know, I've been following the amazing rise of Solana since he became the EU's first High Representative back in 1999. The reason he caught my interest was because he suddenly appeared among a 10-nation military alliance in Western Europe. As I've been reporting, it is commonly believed the prophecies in the biblical book of Daniel predict a similar event (Daniel 7:7-8). So, if the French say no next month, will it be The Late Great Solana? This is what I think: I've watched as Solana has overcome similar obstacles on his rise to power before. So, it's going to be interesting to see if he overcomes this obstacle too. According to the first report I posted above, Solana was going to France in order to help save the EU's new Constitution (and his job). I wonder if he will pull it off? We'll just have to wait and see. What happens if France says no next month anyway? I wouldn't count Solana out of the prophetic picture just yet. You see, not only does he still have his 10-nation alliance, he still has his emergency powers under Recommendation 666. And, as far as most informed observers are concerned, there is no one else on the scene even close to being able to replace Solana. One more thing: On the surface, it may appear that the French government is doing all it can to encourage a yes vote on the EU's new Constitution. However, beneath the surface, this may not be the case. If you recall, it's being reported the member states have been reluctant to allow Solana the full powers of his office of High Representative. Furthermore, it's being reported the EU big three -- France, Germany and the UK -- have formed a directorate and are attempting to control the EU's foreign policy. If these things are true, why would they want Solana in his increased powers as the EU's first, super Foreign Minister? When we add this together and sprinkle in a bit of prophecy, it may not be hard to figure out what's really going on in this revived Roman Empire. It's very possible the big three, no matter what they say publicly, may be secretly working against the EU adopting its new Constitution. Why? Because, if it's adopted, they would be pushed aside and Solana would take over in their place. Naturally, this leads us students of Bible prophecy to wonder if the EU big three leaders are the three horns destined to be pulled (Daniel 7:8). If so, the horn-pulling may happen soon. You may recall how tired I was last night. Well, I'm not as tired tonight. That's a good sign. You see, today was my first day at my new job. And, not only do I have time to post my thoughts about the news, I'm not too tired to do it. This means, by God's grace, FulfilledProphecy may continue for a while longer. I hope so. Thing are sure getting interesting. 04-19-2005