What Herb thinks
Let's Boogie

Javier Solana once said the EU won't become a super state, it will become a super power. With the crash and burn of the EU's new constitution, it appears that he was right.

Monday saw the EU's top officials in Washington attending the EU/US summit Read about it here  I  And here. Have you noticed? Following an important EU summit, an EU/US summit usually follows.

Some may say the recent EU summit wasn't important. In fact, they may say it was a complete disaster. No agreement was reached on the EU's 2007-2013 budget. And, no decision was taken about what to do about their failed constitution.

Others, myself included, see it differently. For those factions within the EU who want to see the EU become a super state, the EU summit was a failure. But, for those who wish to turn the EU into a super power -- like Solana, it may have been a success. The failed summit stopped the EU federalists and their super state dead in its tracks. And, it cast the EU into a state of crisis where strong leadership is urgently needed.

Enter the UK's Tony Blair. On July 1, Blair will take over the EU's rotating presidency. That may be one reason US president Bush is so happy in the above picture. You see, now the US and the EU can finally work together as a team to get things done in Iraq and Israel.

We have often debated the meaning of the two horns on the head of the second beast of Revelation chapter 13. If you recall, the first beast rose from the sea and had 10 horns. The second rose from the earth and had  two horns. Here's my point: If the 10 horns on the first beast are an alliance of 10 nations, couldn't the two horns on the second beast be an alliance of two nations -- like the UK and the US?

You see, now that the EU's federalists are out of the way and the UK's presidency is about to start, the West's true power players can have their day. In fact, I can hear them saying it now.

Let's boogie!

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.