What Herb thinks
Let the End-times Begin!

This morning there were two news reports waiting in my email. What first caught my interested about these two reports, both used the unusual word "mulls" in their heading. Mull means to consider or think about something. And after reading what was being mulled about, I thought to myself, "Let the end-times begin!"

I want you to know, I appreciate people sending me things they think may be related to Bible prophecy. It helps me keep my fingers on what's going on. And, the two articles I received this morning are definitely related to Bible prophecy.

The first was from the Associated Press reporting the Bush administration was thinking about ways to send a U. S. led multinational force into Iraq. The problem was, hurt feelings were still smoldering in the Security Council over the Iraqi war making a new UN resolution for this type of operation impossible (Read about it here).

The second was taken from the Middle East Newsline. This report says the Bush administration and Congress were both thinking about the possibility of sending NATO forces to put and end to the continuing Israeli/Palestinian violence. The interesting part about this as far as prophecy is concerned, the NATO forces they want to send will be mostly European. In other words, they will be forces from Javier Solana's 10-nation Rapid Reaction Force (Read about it here)

This brings us to an interesting article I found this morning. EUbusniess.com is reporting Javier Solana will be traveling to Israel to meet with top Israeli leaders this weekend. And, evidently, these leaders Solana will be meeting include Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon (Read about it here)

Why is this significant? It's significant because the last time Solana went to Israel Sharon refused to meet with him because Solana defied both Bush and Sharon by meeting with Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat. Now it appears something has happened to change Sharon's mind about meeting with Solana. 

Here's what I think: I think these three reports may be related. You see, Washington wants a resolution from the Security Council to send multinational troops into Iraq. And Europe wants a bigger piece of the Middle East peace process. In other words, there is the possibility of a deal in the making here. And that might be why Sharon is agreeing to meet with Solana.

Here's the deal: France and Germany may go along with Washington's request for a Security Council resolution for Iraq, provided Washington goes along with the EU's long held desire to send Solana's Rapid Reaction Force into the Holy Land.

This all kind of reminds me of two hungry beasts dividing up the prey.

And it makes me think:

Let the end-times begin!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.