What Herb thinks
Life In Survival Mode

With all the information available today, keeping up with Bible prophecy is difficult. Besides, many are in survival mode. The most urgent issues are the ones directly before us. That being the case, how can we keep up with the news?

That's why I created FulfilledProphecy. I wanted a place where people who were in survival mode could go for the news about prophecy. 

Recently, I posted links to some interesting developments. One such link was my discovery of another group of 10 nations. It turns out that the European Union's (EU) High Representative, Javier Solana, got his way in the establishment of a powerful new European Defense Agency. And, wouldn't you know it. This agency has a group of 10 EU nations for its steering board. The 10 nations are, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Belgium and Portugal Read about it here.

The first thing I noticed was that this group of 10 is different from the 10 that make up the Western European Union (WEU). Finland and Poland are not members of the WEU alliance. All the other eight are WEU members though.

As you know, I've been suspecting that the 10 WEU nations could become the 10 horns of prophecy. If so, where do we fit this new group of 10? As I thought about it, I realized the 10 WEU nations may still be in control of this steering board because they hold the majority. Eight out of the 10 are WEU members. And, at this same time, the UK -- another WEU member -- holds the EU's rotating presidency.

The next link informs us that Israel has OK'd EU forces into Gaza to police the border crossings Read about it here . This is big news for me. In my book, I write about the military/civilian capabilities that Solana was tasked with building for the EU. The missions these new forces would deal with were called Petersburg Tasks -- peacekeeping and peacemaking. In other words, missions just like this one in Gaza.

The next bit of news is what's going on in Germany. Even though the German election was held last July, it seems the election isn't over yet. In fact, some believe new elections may have to be held next March Read about it here. In other words, Gerhard Schroeder is still in power.

Here's why this could be significant. I still find it hard to believe that the EU's so-called "big 3" -- the UK's Tony Blair, France's Jacques Chirac and Germany's Gerhard Schroeder, are not the three kings of prophecy who are to be subdued. But, if Schroeder was removed from power simply by loosing his election, we couldn't say Schroeder had been subdued by anyone other than himself. Friends, he could be there for a little while longer. The "big 3" could still become those horns.

One more thing: If you are in survival mode, don't let it get you down. You might think that you are living on this thing, or on that thing. But, you're not. You're living on Jesus.

There's life in survival mode.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.