What Herb thinks
Like It Or Not

I'm proud of the group of people we have on our discussion board. The reason I'm proud of them is because we can disagree and still get alone -- still love each other. Not all discussion board owners can brag this way.

In fact, this inability of members to disagree with each other in love has caused some board owners to limit what their members can discuss. For example, some boards only allow a certain view on the timing of the rapture. Others even limit what political views may be expressed. Thanks to our members, our board isn't like that. In other words, they can disagree with me without the fear of getting zapped. That's because, when they disagree, they do according to the board's rules -- they do it in love. 

And, disagree with me they do. But, it seems my latest two commentaries really got some of our members stirred up. In my recent commentaries I expressed concern over how many of today's Christians don't think it will make any difference who wins this coming election. For what ever reason, they have come to believe both candidates are leading this nation in the same, wrong direction. So, I wrote attempting to show why I believed that attitude is not only wrong, I think it's dangerous.

The reaction on the board surprised me. It seems the majority of our members strongly disagree with my view. In fact, I received an email from a retired friend who asked me if I was aware of what was going on in reaction to my commentaries on the board. Like I said, some members were in much disagreement with me. This person went on to explain that this was the reason he didn't post on the board anymore. He felt our board was too opposed to our own government for him to be able to support.

As I thought about this, I realized what may be going on here is a generational thing. In my day we called it a "generation gap." And, as I thought about it more, I began having a little deeper understanding for those members of the board whom may disagree with me.

In the same way my generation couldn't communicate what we saw and experienced in the sixties to our parent's generation, today's younger generation of Christians may have trouble communicating what they're seeing and experiencing in these last days to us.

Yet, this difficulty communicating runs both ways. In other words, I suspect the point I'm trying to make about the significance of this coming election may not be coming through as intended.

As it was in the sixties, once again we're living in strange and confusing times. There doesn't seem to be anyone left we can completely trust anymore. The simple bi-polar world that existed during the Cold War doesn't apply anymore. Today's enemies aren't as easy to identify as they once were. This leaves many of us Christians feeling on our own and unattached.

 That's why I want to share what I have discovered in my study of Bible prophecy. You see, I believe Bible prophecy gives us a structure by which we can make sense of what's going on around us. When properly understood, I believe prophecy even helps us know who are real enemies may be.

The reason I say this next election will make a difference is not because of my political views. It's because of my long held views on Bible prophecy. The day has come when I can look at Europe and I find a clear match. I can say "Bingo!"

No, I'm not saying I'm a hundred percent right about everything. I'm just saying, for the reasons I've outlined and documented in my book, I'd be playing a fools game to ignore the clear and present danger I believe our nation is now facing from Europe.

Friends, like it or not, this election will make a difference we Christians will feel.

And, I believe the time has come to back our current government.

Like it or not.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.