What Herb thinks
Little Heads Cry Solana

This report is from the Financial Times and by the time you read this may require a subscription to access it Read about it here. Nevertheless, I thought it important enough for a commentary.

The Financial Times is reporting the smaller EU member states are becoming worried about what the big three -- France, Germany and Britain -- are really up to. If you recall, recently Britain announced its decision to join with France and Germany in an attempt to maintain control of the EU beast as it absorbs 10 new member states into its body in May.

Now here's where the report gets interesting: It seems the smaller EU states are crying out for Solana. Evidently, the way they see it, the big three are trying to move Solana aside and take control of the EU's foreign and defense policy.

If you've been following my commentaries, you know I have a little different  take on this. I suspect Solana may be working behind the scenes with these big three in order to preserve his 10-nation military alliance -- an alliance in which these big three are the cornerstone.

 But the other members states see it different. They remember how these same big three brushed Solana aside when they negotiated a deal with Iran to open its nuclear program to international inspection. Now in their eyes, they're seeing Solana being brushed aside once again.

Why does this bother them? Because, they believe Solana speaks for the entire EU, and the big three only for their own interests. So naturally, in the area of EU foreign policy they would much rather see Solana taking the lead.

Now isn't this interesting? No matter which direction the EU beast takes, one name just keeps popping up.

Javier Solana.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.