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I don't get angry easily. But, there is something that always makes me mad. I get mad when I see someone who I think is intentionally twisting Scripture for their own advantage. Those of us who want to know the truth have all become victims of these people. You see, for many of the things you and I believe that are wrong, we have have these to blame. So, when I think someone is intentionally twisting Scripture to their own advantage, I get angry. Another problem we truth seekers have is we live in a post-modern era. We live in a time when most believe truth is a floating object and we decide where we want it to be. Friends, post-modernism is just another title for neo-paganism. That's why one of the rules on our discussion board is: Always honor God's Word. It's OK to disagree about what it says, but don't disagree about what it is. The rule is strictly enforced. If I see someone who I think is challenging God's word, or placing themselves above it, after just one warning I will ban that person. Some might say I'm too harsh. After all, the Bible is spiritually discerned and I should allow the Holy Spirit His way in people. Well, I agree the word of God is spiritually discerned. But, it is also logically constructed. God isn't scatter brained. The Corinthian Church is a good example of what happens when immature Christians think they have arrived where they have a direct pipeline to God and don't need God's word anymore. To these immature Christians the Apostle Paul said: Yet we (the Apostles) do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:6-8 New American Standard Bible). Paul had some important information he wanted to share with them. The problem was, these Corinthian Christians weren't mature enough to handle it. Paul went on the say: And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of the flesh, as to infants in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:1). You see, Paul was a very educated man -- both in Greek philosophy and in Judaism. And, after he was converted, Paul spent 14 years relearning by the Holy Spirit everything he had learned before. It's my opinion that's why God chose Paul to take the Gospel to the nations. God knew Paul could uncover and teach the wisdom of God better than anyone else. This hidden wisdom, this logic of the Spirit, is what Paul wanted to share with the Corinthian Christians. But, they were already so puffed up in their own spiritual gifts that they weren't ready to hear it. They were in a world of their own making. No, I'm not saying that I have this wisdom. But, I do know where it comes from and how to get it. It starts by first being converted to Jesus and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Without God's Spirit, we can never know the things given to us by God. Next, it comes from reading and honoring God's word -- the Bible. You see, God doesn't say different things. His word is very logically constructed and He wants us to understand the logic. Even the great prophet Daniel had to study and become intimate with Scripture before God could use him. You see, the wisdom of God isn't just a floating spiritual object. It's also the logic of God. 08-20-04