Have you noticed the change? Suddenly, it seems the whole world is turning against America. There have always been forces in this world opposed to America. However, as long as America had strong allies in Western Europe and elsewhere, these forces were somewhat subdued. But now not only doesn't American have her strong allies anymore, the world is being offered an alternative. The result is America's enemies have become bolder. Where did it begin? This is what's interesting to students of Bible prophecy. It began in June 2000 when the leaders of the 10 nation Western European Union alliance adopted their Assembly Recommendation 666. This decision set in place the framework for a new power center in Western Europe that was foretold through the prophet Daniel (Daniel 7:7-8). That's why this report about the EU's High Representative Javier Solana caught my attention. You see Solana is the Secretary General of the 10 nation WEU alliance. And as Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Solana helped implement Recommendation 666. In this report not only did Solana say Europe was not at war against terror, Solana warned about over reaction to the Madrid bombings Read about it here. Here's my point: Even as Solana is calling for a powerful new terror Tsar to combat immigration and Islamic fundamentalism across all Europe, he's saying exactly what most Europeans want to hear -- there is no war against terror. President Bush, on the other hand, isn't saying what they want to hear. At the same time, it's being reported the Irish EU presidency has announced its decision to go ahead with its own plan for the Middle East Read about it here. And guess what? It just happens to be Solana's plan -- the 1995 Barcelona Process. Like I said, not only has America lost important allies, the world is being offered an attractive alternative in the form of Solana and the EU. Now let's look at the big picture. President Bush's primary political base is Christian America. Solana, on the other hand, has proudly stated the opposite -- he represents a post religious Europe. As I consider the choice our world now faces -- the leadership of Christian America or a post religious Europe -- I'm reminded of something Jesus once said. He said: This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil (John 3:19 New American Standard Bible). Ironically, in Spanish Solana means sunshine. 03-23-04