After six months going nowhere with the wacky Italian Presidency at the controls, the EU beast may be finally getting lucky. The Irish Presidency hasn't even been behind the wheel for a month yet, and already its made progress toward a new EU Constitution. According to the EUobserver, all 15 EU foreign ministers believe an agreement must be reached on the EU's new Constitution as soon as possible. The fear is, if an agreement can't be reached by the June summit, the EU beast may as well kiss its hopes for a Constitution good-bye Read about it here I And here. So once again the pressure is on the EU beast's little heads to compromise. One compromise that's needed is over the issue of the new, super EU Presidency. Some member states want this Presidency within the Commission. Some want it in the Council of Europe. If things pick up where the talks collapsed, the EU beast will probably end up with some kind of team Presidency within the Council. Another compromise must be reached over what type of voting system will be used in the Council. This may be the most important issue. That's because the voting system determines the balance of power in the EU. And as I've been reporting, the type of voting system will also determine if the 10 core nations will continue to be in control. But in one area no compromise appears to be needed. All the beast's little heads seem to like the idea of having a new, super EU Foreign Minister. This Foreign Minister will have the power of initiative. That means, he of she will be able set the EU's foreign policy agenda. This Foreign Minister will also have the authority to negotiate and sign treaties for the EU. In other words, the new Foreign Minister office could end up being more powerful than even the new Presidency. Yes indeed, the EU beast may be finally getting lucky. It's the luck of the Irish! 01-27-04