If you want to create a new world order, you couldn't have asked for anything better than a global war against terror. It's almost as if terrorist leader Bin Laden was made to order -- to NWOrder. As you probably know by now, British authorities have arrested a group of young men who were preparing a large attack somewhere in the UK. And according to this report, the motive believed to be behind this attack was Bin Laden's desire to punish British Prime Minister Tony Blair Read about it here. Although the same motive is thought to be behind the Madrid bombings, the report says the group captured in the UK isn't believed to have links to the Madrid bombers. Nevertheless, for students of Bible prophecy it's hard to avoid suspecting links -- if not in the physical realm, at least in the spiritual. That's because the Bible tells us, in the last-days, 10 kings will arise in Western Europe. One will arise after them who will lead a revival of the old Roman Empire. And on his rise to power, he will subdue three of the 10 kings. Like I've been reporting, the Madrid bombings removed a pro-American king and replaced him with an anti-American king. And, there just happens to be two more pro-American kings in the 10 nation alliance -- Tony Blair and Silvio Berlusconi. Will they be next? If so, terror leader Bin Laden will have done much to help build the foretold new world order of the coming Antichrist. Yes indeed, it's hard not to think Bin Laden was made to order. NWOrder. 03-30-04