It's time for God's people in America to be concerned. Although we may agree with much of what president George W. Bush is trying to do, we need to realize that God has lines. What do I mean by lines? I mean, like any loving parent, God has established certain boundary lines that even His own children are not allowed to cross over. And, one of these lines is Israel. And, I fear America may have already begun crossing over that line a year ago. In March 2002, for the first time in history an American president sponsored a United Nations Resolution calling for the creation of a Palestinian state. A few days later the Bush administration went event farther over that line and backed another Resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from the territories they had captured in the 1967 Six Day War. However, as the possibility of an Iraqi war began taking center stage, the administration's attention on solving the Israeli Palestinian conflict began to wane. And, this was something the rest of the world -- especially the Islamic and European part -- didn't want to see happen. In fact, the Islamic and European parts of the world saw the continuing Israeli Palestinian conflict as a much greater threat to their interests than Iraq's Saddam Hussein. This bring us to a serious question: Why is the Israeli Palestinian conflict a greater threat to the Islamic and European parts of the world than even a madman like Saddam owning weapons of mass destruction? The way I see it, there is only one good answer to that question. The Islamic and European parts of the world must share some common interests. And, I believe one common interest they may share is to see American political and military dominance removed from over the Mediterranean region. In fact, I believe this desire to see the US out of the Mediterranean was the real reason France betrayed America in the UN Security Council. You see, without UN approval, an American lead war against an Arab nation could turn public opinion in the Middle East against America for years to come. And, the Islamic and European world could both benefit greatly from such a situation. Unfortunately, the Bush administration failed to understand what was really going on in Europe. At the urging of his Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and his staunch European ally British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush conceded and sought UN approval for his war against Iraq -- a war designed to protect American vital interests in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, France pulled the plug on America getting any kind of UN approval for a war against Iraq. Now, desperate for some kind of moral justification, the Bush administration has evidently decided to play the Israeli card. The administration has suddenly called for the implementation of the road map peace plan -- a Palestinian state by 2005 -- as soon as the Palestinian Authority gives real power to a new leader besides Yasser Arafat (Read about it here). Will it work? Will this announcement by the Bush administration win back the approval of the Islamic and European world? Will it help gain legitimacy for America's war against Iraq? Perhaps: But, I'm more concerned about what God will say about this move. You see, Bush is taking another step across that line. In fact, I'm afraid I may already know what God will say. I'm afraid He'll say what Clint Eastwood said, "Go ahead -- make my day."
"For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes
of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down
to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them
there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have
scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land" (Joel 3:1-2
New American Standard Bible).