What Herb thinks

Thanks to a little help from an observant reader, I've uncovered some interesting information about the EU's new, super computer Read about it here. As you may know, they named it MareNostrum. In Latin, that means "our sea." Since the computer is in Barcelona, Spain, the sea the EU head's are calling their own is the Mediterranean.

For some strange reason, the MareNostrum is housed in a chapel at Barcelona's Polytechnical University. Perhaps, in these modern days in the EU, they have no other use for their chapel.

The director of the MareNostrum project is a Professor Mateo Valero. If you do a google search on this guy, you will find he's into some really cutting edge research. Most of it I can't understand. But, one thing that caught my attention, it seems that Professor Valero is into finding ways for little machines and human tissue to interact with each other.

I also learned that the MareNostrum project was being financed by the EU's sixth Framework Program (FP6). And, on January 1, 2007, guess what? The EU's seventh Framework Project (FP7) will take over. Sure enough, the EU's FP7 will run for seven years.

Here's where, for us students of Bible prophecy,  it gets even better. It turns out, in June 2004, the EU heads decided their FP7 will have two main priorities, security and space. In other words, the EU heads wanted their coming seven-year FP7 to fund Javier Solana's common foreign and security policy agenda.

In other words, the MareNostrum is to become part of Solana's tool box. Why? So, the Mediterranean can become the EU's sea.

In other words, we should have known.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.