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Today's news leaves more to wonder about than write about Read about it here I And here I And here. I'm fairly certain something prophetically significant may be occurring off stage. The reason I say this is not because of having any special inside information. It's because of my understanding of end-time prophecy. The way I see it, Israel may soon have a short time of peace. But, it will be a false peace -- a peace that only leads to war. I know such views may not be popular. That's because some think we who believe in Bible prophecy are only interested in seeing the negative side of world affairs. Some even blame our biblical world view for inciting much of the hatred and intolerance that plagues humankind. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Bible prophecy is not intended to spread anxiety about the future. The purpose of prophecy is to do the opposite -- to provide us a little peace. If you read my book, you may recall I dedicated it to those God gave the prophecies to -- the honest doubters. And, I quoted the passage where Jesus said: Now I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe (John 14:29). So, the purpose for Bible prophecy is to help us believe in Jesus. And, the result of our trusting in Jesus is peace -- even in the face of our worst fears. In fact, after informing His disciples about their coming persecution, Jesus said: These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world (John 16:33 New American Standard Bible). When you think about it, we certainly don't need the prophecies of the Bible to be worried about what's coming. Experts tell us it's only a matter of time until the world's ultimate weapons will be in the hands of the world's ultimate terrorists. No, we don't need the Bible to tells us about a coming Armageddon. Yes, it's a confusing time for the world. But, if we're not careful, it can also be confusing for us. The Internet is teeming with those seeking a following. That's why if you are a member of FP's discussion board, you may have noticed our firmer hand in enforcing the rules. It's a mistake to think FP's only concern is Bible prophecy. FP's primary concern is fulfilling God's purpose. Recently one of the issues causing confusion on our board may have come to light. It appears many of God's own don't have a firm grip on the true meaning of the gospel message. This lack of knowledge can open the door to the bondage makers that the Apostle Paul warns about. Regarding these false teachers Paul says: They eagerly seek you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them (Galatians 4:17). And, Paul says: It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). Perhaps tomorrow I'll have something more to say about the news. In the meantime, I will speak about other issues that I feel are important. We need to always remember why God gave us Bible prophecy. It's so we will believe in His wonderful Son. Jesus said, despite all the world's anxiety and confusion, we may have peace in Him. Don't let anyone steal it. 08-18-2006