We never thought we'd see the day. But, here we are: Watching the world -- perhaps even America -- coming together in a single voice and calling for little Israel to disarm See video here I Transcript here. Before we say this is only an Arab pipe dream, we had better consider the reasoning behind the dream. As far as the majority of the world is concerned, this idea makes perfect sense. In fact, as we recently found, it appears some kind of regional disarmament scheme is included in Javier Solana's so-called "incentive package" that he presented to Iran. Besides, if the Bible prophecies are soon to be fulfilled, a short time of peace must first come to Israel (Ezekiel 38: 8, 1 Thessalonians 5: 3). But, as it was in the day's of the Maccabees (Daniel 8:25), Israel's coming time of peace will be a false peace -- a peace accomplished through a national apostasy away from the God of their fathers (2 Thessalonians 2:3). So, the whole world wants to install a nuclear free zone over the Middle East. No doubt, the goal for some interested parties may be to talk these many Mediterranean nations into yielding under NATO's security umbrella. Now, just who in NATO might be thinking this? Here may be a couple of clues: Remember that "incentive package" to Iran and the date it was delivered? And, remember Recommendation 666? 06-25-06