Sometimes we forget that Satan is a moral angel. It's just that, he has his own set of morals. We know this because, in the New Testament book of Revelation, we read: Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death (Revelation 12:10-11 New American Standard Bible). Recently I wrote a piece titled, Myth and Sound Doctrine. Instead of my usual commentary about world events and Bible prophecy, it was a word-picture concerning something I was feeling deep inside. And, as it is with any type of picture, it can be subject to individual interpretation. As a result, I received many emails asking me just what I meant. I think the main point that I was trying to make in my commentary is that truth is a moral issue. By way of reminder, here is part of what I wrote: I fear we evangelical Christians have already passed the crossroads. Already, myth and sound doctrine have joined hands and have begun walking down the road before us together. I think what bothers me the most is the way they smile at each other. Sure, there are other things about their illicit relationship that should bug us. But, as far as I'm concerned, it's that carefree fellowship that has developed between them that really upsets me Read it here. I suspect what set me off was watching the way so many of our evangelical leaders were responding to the passing of pope John Paul II. Even the Rev. Billy Graham couldn't seem to find enough good words to say about the man. Although I also felt much compassion for John Paul as a humanitarian and good person, it was what he represented that so deeply concerned me. According to my understanding of Scripture, John Paul represented a false system of religion. And, no matter how good and moral he might have been in other areas, there was no changing that fundamental, biblical truth. The same can be said about the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Nevertheless, many of our Conservative evangelical leaders are walking hand in hand with the Rev. Moon. Why is that? They tell us it's because we evangelicals share common political and moral issues with Rev. Moon. So, why shouldn't we work together? Friends, here is our reason. Truth is the ultimate moral issue. The Bible tells us, when we let truth go, God will let us go. Have you ever considered that the spiritual war that the Apostle Paul speaks about in Ephesians chapter 6 is the same conflict we find depicted in Revelation chapter 12? In other words, the same truth that the Apostle Paul spelled out for us so clearly in Ephesians, the Apostle John gave us in word-pictures in Revelation. Friends, spiritually speaking, we evangelical Christians are still at war. The unfinished battle before us is over the ultimate moral issue -- truth. That's why the Apostle Peter told us Christians to "gird our minds for action" (1 Peter 1:13). That's why the Apostle Paul said the same, we must "gird our loins with truth" ( Ephesians 6:14). They are both telling us the same thing. Why? Because God's people are still at war. You see, Satan -- our arch enemy and deceiver -- is a moral angel. That makes truth our ultimate moral issue. 04-05-2005