What Herb thinks
Most Import Speech

Last month, Time Magazine revealed its annual list of 100 of the world's most influential people. And, sure enough, Time's list for 2005 includes the EU's Javier Solana. You will find him under the heading, Leaders and Revolutionaries Read about it here.

Well, this month it happened again. Another major publication did the same  -- this time in Europe. The Polish Gazeta Wyborcza gave Javier Solana its Man of the Year 2005 Award.

I understand why Solana was chosen. Solana continues to score diplomatic winners. For example, when the Ukraine recently found itself balancing precariously between Europe and the Russian Federation, it was Solana's diplomacy that tipped the former Soviet nation away from Russia and towards becoming a member of the EU. And, although there hasn't been much recognition by the public, there evidently are many in the press who have come to appreciate Solana's achievements.

This brings me to what I think may be -- as far as Bible prophecy is concerned -- one of the most important speeches ever given. Solana is in Warsaw accepting his award. And, in this one speech, we find the necessary elements for the final events of prophecy. I recommend that you read the entire speech Read speech here.

After reviewing the history of Poland and the European project, Solana gives us his own three reasons for a united Europe. Solana says:

"For me, the case for Europe rests essentially on three arguments. First, to exorcise the demons of our past. Second, to extend the zone of peace and prosperity across our continent. And third to deal with a borderless and chaotic world."   

Here we basically find the EU's so-called "Solana Doctrine" being revised a bit for his Polish audience. The "demons" Solana is referring to are the European wars of the past. Poland, as you know, was one of the nations that suffered the most in past wars. The "zone of peace" isn't a new concept. It is what his new European Neighborhood Policy is about. And, his "borderless and chaotic world" is just another reference to his proposed joint EU/US war against weapons of mass destruction and rogue states.

Then, in this speech, Solana begins talking about something that may have huge implications as far as prophecy is concerned. He begins describing a coming seven-year period when the EU will begin engaging their neighbors with significantly increased economic and political resources to create that "zone of peace." And, that "zone of peace" includes God's little nation Israel. Solana says:

"Since last year, we have been putting flesh on the bones of our European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), which applies to Eastern Europe, the southern Caucasus but also the Mediterranean. In less than two years - incredibly fast by Brussels standards - we have moved from general principles to tailor-made action plans which are being agreed with our partners."

As I've been reporting, these "action plans" are the EU's way of strengthening the failing Barcelona Process agreement that Solana negotiated back in 1995. This agreement was between the 15 EU nations and 12 Mediterranean nations. In other words, the purpose of Solana's ENP is to confirm his previous covenant with many nations. And, it will be for a seven-year period. Solana says:

"The Neighbourhood policy will engage significant resources: the offer of a stake in the internal market plus €15 billion in grants for the period 2007-2013. This is double the figure for 2000-2006. It will also involve a substantial 'thickening' of our dialogues, involving nearly all aspects of public policy."

Friends, there's more. Solana now begins his pitch for the EU's new Constitution. Why? Because, if approved, the Constitution will basically place Solana in full control of the EU during the first part of the seven-year period. Solana says:

Let me focus on what the Constitution could do for Europe's global role. I see two major improvements. First, it offers a massive improvement in our ability to tackle old and new security threats ... Second, in terms of effectiveness, it inaugurates a new way of preparing and taking decisions. Perhaps the biggest innovation here is the proposed EU Foreign Minister ... Finally, the Constitution foresees the creation of an EU External Action Service.

Then, Solana puts it all together for us. He says:

"It is the cumulative total that matters. If you add up the EU Foreign Minister, the External Action Service, the solidarity clause and structured co-operation, you will see a real difference to Europe's international impact."

But, there was one thing Solana said that really stood out. In fact, it revealed Solana, among all his other talents and abilities, is a great salesman too. Solana said:

'Time is not neutral. Unless we Europeans club together, future historians may conclude that, at the beginning of the 21st century, Europe's moment came and went."

Like I said earlier, as far as Bible prophecy is concerned, this may be one of the most important speeches ever given.

So, stay tuned!

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.