It's hard for me to believe what I'm doing. I'm actually reporting about the dawning of a new week over Western Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. And, if you think that I'm embellishing the importance of the European Union's next seven-year budget term, take a look at the results from this Google 2007-2013. As far as we students of prophecies are concerned, we're most interested in how, if at all, this coming seven-year period will affect Israel -- the nation at ground zero of Bible prophecy. And, what's so amazing to me, this coming seven-year period will clearly have a profound impact on whatever happens in these end-times to Israel. Naturally, this brings up a very serious question. Could this coming seven-year period actually be the dawning of Israel's final, 70th week (Daniel 9: 24, 27)? But, before we try to answer our question, let's first take a look back at some of the events that have already happened that could be a fulfillment of prophecy. And, as we add events to our list, let's ask ourselves this question: What are the odds of another?
What was that something else? It may be what I'm reporting right now -- the dawning of a new week over Western Europe and the Mediterranean. You see, included in the EU's next seven-year budget is something called the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The ENPI is Mr. Europe's way of breathing new life, or confirming, his 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace and Barcelona Process -- sometimes just called Euromed. What's the Euromed? It is literally a covenant with many. It's an agreement that Mr. Europe negotiated back in 1995 between the then 15 EU member states and 12 Mediterranean states -- including Israel. Today, it's between 35 nations in all. And, the financial and political mechanisms for Mr. Europe confirming his Euromed agreement are included in the new week dawning. Now, back to our question: Could this coming seven-year period be Israel's 70th week? Well, what are the odds? 06-27-06