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For over two years, I've felt alone with this information. And, over and over again, I've asked myself "why only me?" Why was I the only one seeing what was going on in Europe and reporting about it? Well, that's finally changing. The news is getting out. As I write, information about the 10-nation Western European Union, High Representative Javier Solana and Assembly Recommendation 666, is being studied and circulated by many. Some I know about, some I don't. Other Christian websites are beginning to follow the news. And, thanks to a few good pastors, some large churches, such as the Calvary Chapels, are beginning to receive and teach the information. I'm also receiving email and snail mail from individuals who are creating newsletters and teaching Sunday school classes on the subject. So, I guess I've done my job. I got the information out. But, this till doesn't answer my question. Why was I all alone for so long? Where were our prophecy experts? I think this may be a serious question that needs to be answered. I've thought long and hard about this. Here's one explanation: There has been an evolution in our interpretation of Bible prophecy. The most serious of which, there has been an evolution away from our prior regional interpretations of the prophecies in Daniel, to our modern global interpretations. This was brought about primarily by Tim Lahaye's popular Left Behind series of books. Let me explain: Most of our old Bible scholars believed the prophecies in the book of Daniel were regional in nature. They have to do with Israel, the surrounding nations and Israel's coming Messiah. Lahaye began writing his series in the early nineties. I know, because while talking to him about other matters, he mentioned his new books. At that time, that 10-nation alliance in Western Europe all those old, sound, prophecy teachers -- like J. Dwight Pentecost and John Walvoored -- predicted, hadn't showed up yet. So, Lahaye, and other popular teachers, began looking for another scenario. They found it in the Club of Rome's idea of creating 10 global regions. This shifted their -- and our -- focus away from an expectation of a regional fulfillment, to an expectation of a global fulfillment. In the meantime, that long foretold 10-nation alliance appeared in Western Europe -- just like all those old Bible scholars predicted. It happened on January 1, 1995, with the entrance of Greece. The Western European Union became an alliance of 10 nations. Then, in October 1999, the first Mr. Europe appeared -- also just as predicted. The rest is history. Or, should I say prophecy? 07-20-04