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No Club Like Rome

Constance Cumbey brought this bit of information to my attention. Evidently, the Bush administration wants to put Prince Hassan of Jordan in charge of the International Atomic Energy Commission. This would also make Hassan the UN's chief weapons inspector for international nuclear disarmament. And, last friday Constane devoted most of her radio show to the subject. Why? Because, Hassan is the international president of the Club of Rome.

Here's part of the report: "US officials believe they have sufficient grounds for demanding Dr. ElBaradai’s removal and have already set this process in motion. According to DEBKA-Net-Weekly‘s Washington sources, their preferred candidate for his replacement in Vienna is Prince Hassan of Jordan, brother and former crown prince of King Hussein and uncle of King Abdullah" (Read about it here).

If you're not up to speed on the Club of Rome, and why this may be significant to the rise of the second beast of Revelation, I've included some excerpts from Recommendation 666.

No Club Like Rome

What people do with their spare time reveals something about their values.  Some people join a church.  Others join a club that shares their interests.  Javier Solana joined the Spanish chapter of the Club of Rome.  But this isn’t just any club.  It’s only open, by invitation, to certain key players in our world – such as scientists and former heads of state.

What are the interests of these people who join the Club of Rome?  It seems their main concern is for the creation of some form of global government.  They believe that – unless we can soon establish a global government – our world may experience a sudden and uncontrollable collapse in its ability to sustain its population.

It’s apparent the Club of Rome is a secular humanist organization.  In fact, that’s why its members want global government in the first place.  Secular humanism teaches that humans are the product of evolution, not created by God.  Since we can’t depend on God, we must take control of our own evolutionary process to create a better world.  So humanists believe global government is necessary to advance man’s evolution. 

At the beginning of the Declaration of the Club of Rome, we find these words:

“We, the members of the Club of Rome, are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all, and that it is possible to avoid present and foreseeable catastrophes – when they are the result of human selfishness or of mistakes made in managing world affairs.”

As I thought about the implication of those words, I realized that the Declaration of the Club of Rome could actually be interpreted as a declaration of war against the Bible and God’s people.  In their declaration they say, “We, the members of the Club of Rome, are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once for all.”

But, this statement is in direct opposition to what the Bible has to say.  If you recall, Jesus appeared the first time to Israel on a day that had been predetermined by God (Daniel 9:24-25).  And Jesus indicated to His disciples that the day He was to return the second time was also predetermined by God (Acts 1:7).

I realized that the Antichrist’s self-serving agenda could easily be disguised behind the humanistic ideas advocated by the Club of Rome.  If so, the Antichrist would attempt to abolish all knowledge of the true God and destroy God’s people.  He would try to evade the fulfillment of the end-times prophecies and establish a worldwide humanist paradise based on a new, godless, global ethic.  And, for a period of three and a half years, God will allow him to have success.

 I hate to think what would happen if someone like Solana was successful in implementing all the humanistic ideas for global government being advocated by the Club of Rome.  Yet this may actually be occurring – not only in Solana’s EU Superstate, but also in Kofi Annan’s recently reorganized United Nations.

I say this because one of the authors of Club of Rome papers is Professor Ruud Lubbers.  He teaches courses on Globalization Studies at both Tilburg and Harvard Universities.  And guess what? The UN Secretary General Kofi Annan recently announced the appointment of Dr. Ruud Lubbers to a high-profile position within the United Nations.

As I asked before, could there be something a little more sinister going on here?  If you compare Solana’s plans for the creation of a rapid reaction force for Europe, with Kofi Annan’s plans for the creation of a rapid reaction force for the UN, they appear to be coming from the same playbook

Could that playbook be from the Club of Rome?

The Twin Towers of Babel
(written before 9/11)

It was a mess.  197 world leaders, each with their own motorcade, invaded New York at one time.  It was the largest gathering of heads of state in history.  They were there to attend the three-day Millennium Summit at the UN headquarters, starting on September 6, 2000.

Yet, the week earlier, the scene at the New York Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was even stranger.  Here we had spiritual leaders representing more than 50 religions gathering together for their own summit – the World Peace Summit.  In addition to Western clergy, there were African drummers, Hindu chanters and tribal holy-men.

The religious gathering had been organized by a group of interfaith activists, with a little help from their friends – New Age billionaire and member of the Club of Rome, Maurice Strong, and Time-Warner’s chief, Ted Turner.  The purpose of the gathering was to find a way the world’s religious leaders could contribute to the UN’s quest for world peace.

After arriving in the UN General Hall, Ted Turner took the podium.  He received hoots and cheers from the audience when he detailed the reasons he denounced his childhood Christian faith, according to Austin Ruse, a professional UN observer.  Darren Logan, a foreign policy analyst for the Washington-based Family Research Council, described Turner’s speech as “the most blasphemous thing I have ever heard in my life.”

When the clamor had settled, a Declaration for World Peace had been created.  It called for the establishment of an International Advisory Council of Religious and Spiritual Leaders to serve the UN in crises resolution and prevention.

The following week, the world’s political leaders met in the same assembly hall.  The meeting began with a moment of silence for three UN staff members who had recently been killed in East Timor.  This moment of silence set the stage for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to make his appeal to the world leaders.  He asked them to support his and the Security Council’s proposals to strengthen the UN’s peacekeeping ability by giving them their own military forces.

Annan was telling these world leaders that, like it or not, their UN organization was due for a complete overhaul.  In fact, at that time, Congress was already working on H.R. 4453 – a bill in response to a Presidential Directive issued by Bill Clinton that called for the creation of a “United Nations Rapid Deployment Policy and Security Force.”

When the summit was over, the Security Council issued a joint declaration approving the strengthening of the UN’s peacekeeping ability.  The declaration said:

“Bearing primary responsibility under the Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security, the Security Council, in particular its Permanent Members, has an abiding interest in ensuring that the UN is equipped to meet the challenge it faces.”

As I thought about this, I was reminded that a rapid deployment force was what the European leaders were asking Javier Solana to create for the EU.  In other words, the EU and the UN were doing almost exactly the same thing, and at the same time.

Yet, what intrigued me about the UN’s plans for strengthening its peacekeeping ability was the fact that it included a religious element – the World Peace Summit.  While the world’s secular heads of state were attempting to find ways to control the physical side of globalization, the world’s religious leaders were attempting to find ways to control the spiritual side of globalization.

The reason this interested me was because of the Bible prophecies.  If you recall, in Revelation 13, two beasts are scheduled to come on the scene in the end times.  And a beast in Bible prophecy refers to both a king and a kingdom.  The first beast we already learned about – the 10-horned beast from the sea.  As you know, I believe the first beast may well be the current revival of the Roman Empire under the EU.

I believe the second beast could well be this reorganized UN under some kind of religious control.  I also agree with Tim Lahaye about the possibility of the UN someday moving its headquarters to Babylon in modern Iraq.  There are good reasons for believing these things.  The second beast has two horns.  Horns are prophetic signs of power.  In Revelation 13, these horns appear to represent someone who has great economic and religious control over the world.  According to the Bible, the second beast will require people to take a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell.  The mark will be associated with the worship of an image.

Do you recall what these anti-Christian religious leaders want to do?  They want to establish an International Advisory Council within the UN.  These world religious leaders want to advise the secular world leaders about ways to achieve global peace.

When you add the plans of these religious leaders to the fact that the world’s political leaders are already looking for ways the UN can control the global economy, then the prophecy about people being required to take a mark and worship an image in order to buy or sell doesn’t seem so farfetched.

So what does this mean to us?  It means that – if the UN is the foretold second beast from the earth – then it will gain control over the economies and the religious rights of all nations.  And it also means some very powerful religious leader will soon rise to a place of authority within the UN.

Taken from Recommendation 666

Here's my point: You see, Prince Hassan of Jordan is not only the president of the Club of Rome, he's also at the forefront of creating a new, global interfaith code of conduct. In fact, if Hassan gets his way, all the religious leaders of the world would have to accept his code of conduct.

Stay tuned!

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