What Herb Thinks
None Dare Call it Apostasy

Author Ann Coulter's new book, Treason, caused quite a stir in America's political world. I haven't read it yet, but from what I've heard, Coulter made an excellent case pointing out how the liberal establishment in the United States has consistently sided against American's vital interests. Thus the name of her book -- Treason.

If you've been around as long as I have, you may recall another book that said much the same. It was that all time classic, None Dare Call it Treason. It was written by John A. Stormer and published by a small publisher in 1964. And, without so much as even a review, it sold in the neighborhood of seven million copies. Why? Because Stormer's book warned America in the same way Coulter's book is warning American today.

What are these books both warning about? Instead of the usual conspiracy theories, or the revealing of some kind of secret plan, these books are warning about a culture that has become dangerous to our freedoms -- you could say as Daniel Pipes said in his review of Stormer's book, a "conspiracy of shared values" (Read about it here)

You see, the first and most dangerous enemy we face is ourselves. Thus the quote at the beginning of Stormer's book:

Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if treason prospers, none dare call it treason.

Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

What does all this have to do with FulfilledProphecy.Com and what Herb thinks? The Bible tells us there will be a great apostasy that will precede the appearing of the Antichrist.

I know, there are some among us who insist this "apostasy" is referring to the rapture of the church. Although I understand where they're coming from, I respectfully disagree. In my view, not only does this interpretation violate the "plain meaning" rule of interpretation, it's also inconsistent with the other related passages.

The word "apostasy" means to "depart" or "fall away" from the faith. And, in light of the times we apparently live, this brings up a serious question. Are we experiencing this foretold apostasy? 

It has increasingly become my conviction we are. And, it is because of the same reason found in the two books I mentioned above. I believe we have begun creating a culture of shared values in our evangelical world where apostasy prospers.

For example, why aren't our leading evangelical Bible colleges today stressing end-times prophecy like they all use to? This brings us to my next question which I believe is related. Why are so many of our Bible colleges not teaching the inerrancy of Scripture anymore. Instead, they're teaching the infallibility of Scripture. It makes a difference you know -- a big difference.

You see, people who believe in the infallibility of Scripture believe the Bible has errors in it. And when you believe the Bible has errors in it, you find yourself in the position of picking and choosing what you will believe according to your desires. This in turn opens the door to the same post-modern spirit that dominates our unbelieving world -- in other words, the antichrist spirit. And, it's this antichrist spirit that will ultimately spawn the Antichrist.

Here's my point: Whether you're in a church that stresses strict Bible teaching, or you're in a church that stresses the gifts, there is something important to remember -- we are God's unique people for this age. We belong to Him, and Him alone. We have been given the truth, and it is ours to keep it. And if we don't, it is ours to suffer the consequences the same as the Children of Israel.

You see, fellow Christian, the first and most dangerous enemy we face is ourselves.

Apostasy doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if apostasy prospers, none dare call it apostasy.

What Herb thinks

Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.