What Herb thinks
Not Getting Younger

If the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace agreement that was signed in 1995 at Barcelona is the foretold covenant with "the many," then we're standing at the threshold of Daniel's seventieth week (Daniel 9:24-27).

On July 1, the UK took over the rotating presidency of the European Union. And, according to this report Read about it here, top on the UK's agenda is bringing peace to the Middle East. How? By salvaging the faltering Barcelona agreement by implementing Javier Solana's new European Neighborhood Policy. 

Also high on the agenda will be attempting to resolve the on-going dispute over the EU's next budget term that begins on January 1, 2007. The interesting thing is, for the last time, the EU's budget will have a seven-year term. The budgets that follow are planned to only have five-year terms.

At a glance the EU's dispute over the budget almost appears trivial. That's because the reports are filled with things like rebates and farming subsidies. But, I suspect deeper, political issues. You see, two factions are fighting for control of the EU -- the federalists and the anti-federalists. The federalists, like Germany and France, want closer integration and less national sovereignty. The anti-federalists, like Britain, want a looser relationship with more national sovereignty.

That's what makes the EU's 2007-2013 budget so important to these two factions. For a period of seven years, the EU's internal and foreign policy agenda will be financed by these funds. In other words, what is decided now about the budget will shape the EU's future.

That we're here today seeing these things deserves more than just a moment of pause. We may need to rethink through some of the things that we've come to believe about prophecy.

Here's why I say this. Recently, in his Omega Letter,  Jack Kinsella once again mentioned Javier Solana, the Western European Union and Recommendation 666. But, he didn't say a thing about Solana's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace possibly being the foretold covenant with the many. Instead, Kinsella points to the European Neighborhood Policy.

Kinsella doesn't mention the fact that the European Neighborhood Policy doesn't replace the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace, it only strengthens, revives and breathes new life into it. And, Kinsella also steers clear of the idea that the EU's next seven-year budget period could be the seventieth week of Daniel.

It's not hard to figure out why. I fear, like so many of today's prophecy teachers, Kinsella is allowing his view on questionable things -- like the timing of the rapture -- to influence his interpretation of these major world events.

Jesus said the generation that sees the rebirth of Israel will see all the end-time events (Matthew 24: 32-34). This being the case, we can't just keep pushing the fulfillments of prophecy into the future. I was almost two when Israel was reborn. Next month I'll be 59. 

Friends, I'm not getting younger.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.