As the American invasion of Iraq was about to begin, the French Le Figaro newspaper broke the story that somebody had been bugging the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels. This building is the seat of power for the European Union. It houses the Council of Ministers, the EU's new 10-nation military command center, and the offices of the Secretary General of both the Council and the EU's new military wing, Javier Solana (Read about it here) As I said in a prior commentary, Solana's Offices Bugged, the reason this is so intriguing to me is because recently Solana was reported to have circulated a secret memo where he accused the US of trying to undermine the common foreign and security policy he was attempting to create for the EU (Read about it here). So, who would naturally be the prime suspect for bugging Solana's building? According to the Le Figaro newspaper, it was the Americans of course. I, however, suspected another possibility. I wondered if certain anti-American factions within the EU could themselves be behind the bugging. Why? If people thought America was responsible for the bugging, it would turn more EU public opinion against America and help the anti-America factions build their case for creating a stronger independent foreign and security system -- something they really want to do. Now the EUobserver is reporting the investigation into the bugging was bungled. Evidently, the investigators conveniently mishandled the bugging devises in some way that made it impossible to trace where they came from. However, the same bumbling investigators have still somehow managed to rule out America as the culprit (Read about it here). So, what does this French newspaper have to say since ruling out America? Now Le Figaro is saying the Jews did it. Why aren't I surprised?