What Herb thinks
On the Road 3

I'm in Laurel, Maryland, and will soon be on my way to Middletown, Pennsylvania. Although the schedule is tiring, the meetings are going well. So far the response has always been what I've come to expect. God's people -- those who have been patiently waiting for their Lord's return -- are hungry for this information.

My experience has been much like when writing my book. You see, a person doesn't really completely understand what they know until they start sharing it with others. What I've discovered is, after sharing my information at 10 events, I have come to a deeper and clearer understanding myself.

For those who can, I encourage you to come. Already along the way I have met people who are connected -- who have their fingers on similar information -- and who tell me that they have been following my work.

Many of God's people are like sheep. They are innocent and trusting and have no understanding of some of the darker elements of the world. Perhaps that's why the Apostle Peter said Bible prophecy is like a lamp shining in a dark place -- to which we should pay attention. Friends, I fear God may have given me a specific message to bring to His people. If so, pray that I will succeed.

Staying tuned!

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.