Holly's Thoughts
On the Same Page

An article from yesterday's Jerusalem Post caught my attention, titled "Diplomacy: The Return of an Oslo State of Mind." The author says that not since the 1993 Oslo Accords has there been such a willingness by Israel to put aside important issues -- like getting the Palestinian Authority to end terrorism in the West Bank -- to make peace with the Palestinians.

The title of the article intrigued me because my dad spoke of the prophetic importance of the Oslo Accords in chapter six of his book. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed the Accords, starting Israel down the slippery slope of being willing to trade land for peace. Today, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is, reportedly, considering giving over that land in the hopes that, after he does, the Palestinian Authority will end terrorism.

And EU high representative Javier Solana apparently feels that an agreement between Israel and the PA may be near. According to the same article, after visiting with the new PA prime minister Salaam Fayad last week, Solana told Israeli officials that talking to Fayad "is like talking to ourselves. We are on the same page." 

And that's exactly what we Christians should expect to see. That's because we are also on the same page. Not the page that the EU, Israel and the Palestinians are on, but the page in the Bible that talks about the strengthened "covenant with many" that begins Daniel's 70th week (Daniel 9:27). That same page reveals that there will be a time of short-lived peace for Israel, evidenced by her being able to return to her temple sacrifices. And if we are in Daniel's 70th week, then that will be soon.

Staying tuned!

Copyright 2007 Holly Pivec. All rights reserved.