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As some of you may know, the last few years have been a struggle for my wife and I. We live and run a business in a small community where everybody knows everybody. And for the most part, no one knows a thing about Fulfilledprophecy.com or Recommendation 666. Not long ago, I received a phone call from the new publisher of our community's small newspaper. He asked me what my credentials where to be writing a religion column. When I said I didn't have any, he told me he would rather have someone with credential. So, after over 10 years writing weekly religions columns, I was fired for not being qualified. Since my discovery of Recommendation 666, my wife and I have been living two worlds. We've been doing all the things small business people do in order to survive in their community. And, we've been on the World Wide Web, trying to alert a large, sleeping giant -- America's huge evangelical community -- about an immediate and present danger they may unknowingly face. But, as you know, people who are sleeping don't like to be disturbed. And, sometimes they strike out. From their comfortable state of being, they see the person who is trying to awaking them as an intruder. But, I understand. One day I walked into a large Christian book store and began looking for the Bible prophecy section. As I looked, I passed by row after row of racks filled with what's being called "Christian fiction." And scattered among these books were today's best selling prophecy books. They too were classified as fiction. Finally, I found the section I was looking for -- the serious books on Bible prophecy. Guess where they were? They were in the very back of the book section relegated to one small shelf. I remember thinking to myself, we have come to place where we would rather read a fictionalized version of the end-time events, than about the actual, real-time events. And, it reminded me of something Jesus said. Once upon a time in Israel Jesus said: But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the market places, who call out to the other children, and say, 'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn' (Matthew 11:16-17 New American Standard Bible). Friends, the signs are crying out "the day of the Lord is at hand!" But, just like that day in Israel, we refused to listen. We wanted to be entertained. So, God gave us prophecy fiction books. Now will we listen? 07-23-04