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As posted on our discussion board, this article may be a little old, but still very relevant Read it here. I very much agree. In fact, we can't avoid the possibility. If you've seen my PowerPoint presentation and read the article, you may already know where I'm going. It may be one horn down and two to go. In 1995, with the entry of Greece, the Western European Union (WEU) became a military alliance of 10 nations. In 1998, at the Vienna EU Summit, the Office of High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy was created bearing the biblical number 666. Then, in 1999, the prior head of NATO, Javier Solana, became the first person to hold this new Office. What made this event possibly even more prophetically significant, the same year, Solana also became head over the WEU 10 nation alliance. In other words, it might be said a little horn just appeared among 10. If so, this is the geo-political reality we find described in Daniel 7: 7-8. But, if we're actually witnessing the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy, we should expect to see three of these 10 nations somehow subdued by the little horn. That's where the article I posted above may come in. As you may already know, the EU "big three" -- France, Britain and Germany -- have formed a directorate in order to maintain control over the EU's foreign and security policy. This being the case, it's only natural France and Britain, who already have their permanent seats on the UN Security Council, would support Germany's bid to have a seat on the UN Security Council too. Ironically, all three of these nations are also members of Solana's 10 nation alliance. And, this brings up a problem. You see, Solana's Office of High Representative was established to run the EU's foreign and security policy. So, what we have are three out of the 10 WEU nations -- the EU big three -- standing in Solana's way. In other words, it's just like the Bible predicted. That's why I said before, the geo-political reality may be unavoidable. It turns out that Germany's Gerhard Schröder is gone and Angela Merkel is in. Merkel's chief foreign policy adviser is Christoph Heusgen, a man who, from the very start, has worked with Solana in creating his new Office of High Representative. Now, according to the report, Germany's seat on the UN Security Council may have gone out the door with Schröder, and Solana's EU seat may have almost come in with Merkel. Almost, but not quite -- France and Britain may still be in the way. Is it one down two to go? 04-22-05