What Herb thinks
Europe Needs One Voice 

While America's war in Iraq continues, keep one eye on Europe.

Why? Because I've noticed it's while we are distracted, events with prophetic significance seem to happen.

For example, it was while our eyes were glued to our TV screens watching the closest election in American history play out in the latter part of 2000, Recommendation 666 was being implemented, making a 10-nation alliance the military wing of the European Union.

And, while our eyes were on our TV screens watching the replays of the twin towers being hit by airplanes and the beginning of America's war against terror, our leading Bible prophecy experts began changing their focus and writing books for us about our new interest - Islam

This is my point: I've come to believe that, while the end-times prophecies may be unfolding before our eyes, Satan is attempting to distract us. And so far, he's been very successful.

Now it may be happening again. While all eyes are on the ongoing war in Iraq, events with prophetic significance are continuing in Europe. The EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, is saying the answer to the European Union's split personality problem is it needs one seat in the United Nations (Read about it here).

Currently, the EU has four member states on the UN's 15 member Security Council -- France, Britain, Germany and Spain. Two of these members, France and Britain, are permanent members along side the US, Russia and China. These five permanent members have veto power. In other words, anyone of these five permanent members can stop anything the UN is trying to do by using their veto. And, that's exactly what France said it would do if America and Britain attempted to pass a new UN resolution approving war in Iraq.

Solana's job is to find a common position among the EU's fifteen members states. The problem is, by not supporting the US and Britain in the Security Council, France and Germany have split his member states right down the middle. Britain, Spain and Portugal on one one side, and France, Germany and Belgium on the other. What is he to do?

He's saying the answer to the EU's split personality problem is for it to have only one seat on the UN Security Council. And, he's saying this just as the Convention on the Future of Europe is desperately trying to come up with some kind of compromise Constitution for the new, super EU that will be acceptable to all 15 member states.

Like I said, while this Iraqi war continues, keep one eye on Europe. We may be farther along in seeing the fulfillment of the end-times prophecies than we think.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.