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I'll always remember the joy we Americans felt that day in 1967 when we saw pictures of the victorious Israeli soldiers proudly waving their Israeli flag under the walls of Old Jerusalem. Although outnumbered by the Arab armies, tiny Israel had not only survived the Six Day War, she had recaptured land taken away by the Roman army two thousand years before. We had just witnessed another miracle. The first miracle, of course, was the rebirth of Israel in 1948. We Bible believers understood this historic event as a miracle because it was predicted thousands of years in advance by the Jewish prophets in the Old Testament. And, in the New Testament -- especially in the book of Revelation -- the rebirth of Israel is also seen as necessary for the final foretold events of history to take place. So, when in 1967 Israel recaptured her lost territories -- especially Old Jerusalem and the Temple Mount -- it was naturally seen as another miracle. Immediately, with the blessing of their government, the Jewish people began building settlements in what was to them their ancient homelands of Judea and Samara. The unbelieving international community, however, saw it differently. They saw the Jewish settlement activity in these captured territories as a violation of international law. Nevertheless, the Israeli governments that followed not only allowed the settlements to continue, they encouraged them. And, as long as God and Christian America was standing beside her, Israel knew she could get away with it. America would veto any anti-Israel action the United Nation's Security Council took. How things have changed. Today's America isn't so Christian. In fact, we have just witnessed a Presidential debate where a candidate actually aligned himself with the Bible-rejecting voters without fear of losing the election. Friends, such strategy would have been foolish in the day's of Christian America -- the days when we Americans rejoiced in Israel's victories. However, it's not just post-Christian America we must worry about today. We also have post-Christian Europe and secular Israel to contend with. You see, the common denominator in the Socialist left spectrum of politics in America, Europe and Israel is unbelief in the God of the Bible. Not only unbelief, I would even say flat out antagonism. This brings us to today's news. It seems the Israeli left is wanting to participate in a little uprooting. They want Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to remove the Jewish settlers from the territories to make the international community happy. We also learn why -- money. It appears a confidential Israeli report is predicting, if things continue as they are, the very lucrative trade relations between Israel and the EU may soon deteriorate Read about it here I And here. And, here's where the news gets really interesting for us Bible believers. As I've already reported, the EU heads have just given the green light to their High Representative, Javier Solana, to implement his Middle East peace plans. These plans will include EU forces on the ground Read about it here. As you may remember, Solana's first use of EU forces in African he named Operation Artemis. I wonder what he'll name this operation ... Operation Uprooting? 10-14-04