What Herb thinks
Our Finest Hour

Evidently, some were bothered by my last commentary. A few contacted me about it and gently told me they thought I may have been a little too strong. And, one person didn't say it so gently.

When I go back and read my last commentary, I still believe what I wrote may be the uncomfortable truth. Keep in mind, I have gathered much information on this subject over the years. However, just because a person may be right about some particular fact or facts, that doesn't necessarily make the person right. So, if I somehow offended you, please forgive me.

And, one more point: Believe it or not, I wasn't trying to be political. It's true I tend to be conservative and lean in the direction of supporting President Bush. That doesn't mean I support him blindly. There are many things he has done that flat out scare me. However, because of my understanding of Bible prophecy, I fear more what's waiting in the wings for us when Bush is gone.

This brings us to the unpleasant subject I feel I must write about today -- our persecution. It's no secret I have reservations about joining the majority and totally placing my faith in the pre-tribulation rapture view. That's because, as I've said before, I believe the Scriptural support for this view is far too weak to merit the faith some are placing in it.

So, if we can't have complete faith in a rapture that will prevent us from having to experience the persecution of the Antichrist, what can we put our faith in?

Here's what I think: If God doesn't rapture us before the tribulation, that may mean He wants us to go through some persecution. And, if that's the case, it will be our finest hour.

If you recall, Jesus addresses seven letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. Although He had different things to say to each church, there was one thing He said to all seven -- "he who overcomes." My point is, if the churches are to go into the tribulation, Jesus' command to overcome to all seven churches may identify them with the "they" we find mentioned at the mid-point of the seven year tribulation period in Revelation 12:11. Here it says:

And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death (Revelation 12:11 New American Standard Bible).

Friends, we may soon be experiencing what so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ before us have experienced. The reason I'm saying this, they are no longer just talking about a new international order. I believe, since the adoption of the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666, they have been implementing it. And, if we aren't raptured out of here very soon, we're going into the tribulation period.

But, don't fear it! This won't be the first time we Christians have had to prepare for our persecution. But, this time it will be the last time.

And, it will be our finest hour.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.