What Herb thinks
Our Silent Shepherds

It's difficult not to become angry. Where are our shepherds? Prophetically monumental events may be taking place, and most of our evangelical leaders appear either blind or hiding.

It's not like the information is hard to find. Anyone can verify the things that we've been reporting. Many pastors and other Christian leaders follow our updates. People analyze the content on FP on both sides of the Atlantic. Jesus warns His lazy servants. And they are not to remain silent when His sheep are in danger. So, where are they? Where are our shepherds?

As I've been reporting, the UN's new Alliance of Civilisations (AoC) resolution will go before the Security Council for approval in 2009. (Among other things, the AoC is being established in order to wage a war against what it defines as dangerous forms of religion.) Now we learn that  a new Global Governance initiative may be planned for introduction by 2009 as well. And, we learn that the EU's Javier Solana is directly involved Read about it here  I  And here  I  Solana's speech pdf here.

Friends, it's time we gather around the truth. Whether we're seeing the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies or not, what we're seeing isn't good. It is going to touch each and every one of us. Now is the time to start warning and preparing God's people. When Jesus comes, He will speak to His lazy servants.

And I fear, He'll have words for our silent shepherds.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.