What Herb thinks
Penelope Will Debate Turtle

Penelope will debate the turtle. As I recently reported, the turtle challenged Penelope to a debate (Read the commentary here). Now, according to the EUobserver, Penelope has accepted the turtle's challenge (Read about it here).

For a quick reminder, let me repeat -- in part --  some of my earlier commentary:

The EU beast decided it had to do something about its rotating head problem (the six-month rotating presidency). So, the beast established a Convention on the Future of Europe. 

The EU beast made Valéry Giscard d’Estaing -- a man who wants to create a more permanent presidency in the Council -- the  president of the Convention. And, Giscard has a turtle with a dragon's head sitting on his desk to send a message that he won't allow his Convention to be rushed.

But, Romano Prodi, president of the Commission, is fighting to keep the beast's six-month rotating heads just the way they are. And, to let Giscard know that he didn't mind waiting for as long as necessary to get his way, the plan Prodi delivered to Giscard's Convention Prodi named Penelope. If you recall, in Homer's Odyssey Penelope waited twenty years for her husband to return form the Trojan war.

Giscard became so frustrated by Prodi's waiting game, that Giscard challenged Prodi to a public debate (Read about it here).

And, now Prodi has officially accepted the challenge -- Penelope will debate the turtle.

This is going to be good.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.