What Herb thinks
Perfect Storm?

I was suspicious. Once again there was an article about the possibility that the EU's Javier Solana might consider running for the job of Mayor of Madrid. And, who was floating the idea? It was Solana's old political comrade, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the new President of Spain Read it here.

Why did this story make me suspicious? The last time I recall this kind of announcement was just before learning that Solana had been chosen to become the EU's first super Foreign Minister. The way I saw it then -- and still see it now -- there was no way a man with the taste of so much diplomatic success in his mouth was going to simply vanish from the world stage.

And, sure enough, a few days later we got the announcement. French President Jaccques Chirac has decided to push Solana into his new Foreign Minister job, with, or without, the EU's new constitution Read it here   I   here   I   here   I   here   I   here

When I read each one of these articles --- especially the last article, I get the sense that there may be something much bigger going on here. Sure, the EU needs its Foreign Minister. But, according to the last article, Chirac -- one of the so-called EU "big three" -- may suddenly feel the need for the United States. Perhaps in Iran. If so, this is where Solana shines. If you recall, Solana was the prior head of NATO who lead the successful bombing campaign in the Balkans.

On top of that, this year two small countries, Austria and Finland, will hold the EU's six-month rotating Presidency. And, these small EU member states have grown weary of the big three bossing their common foreign policy around. In other words, for Solana, this may be his perfect storm.

In the meantime, the clock continues to tick with Iran. At the same time, rumblings of war are coming from Israel, Iraq and China.

Staying tuned!

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.