What Herb Thinks
Pinning the Tail?

I still have a book on my shelf titled, Gorbachev: Has the Real Antichrist Come? I don't think I have to tell you what the author was trying to tell us.

Not only did this author believe then Soviet Communist Party Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev could be the Antichrist, he believed the foretold 10 horns of prophecy were 10 Communist Bloc nations -- in other words, Warsaw Pact nations. 

Ironically, the copyright date on the book was 1988. The very next year the great Soviet Union empire collapsed. Needless to say, the book didn't find much success.

This brings up a legitimate question. Is my book, Recommendation 666, doing the same thing? Is it -- as some put it -- attempting to pin the tail on the Antichrist?

The answer to that question is no. In fact, in the introduction I make it very clear -- although I do focus on a certain European leader -- I don't claim to know who the Antichrist is.

This brings up another good question: Why do I focus so much on one European leader if I'm not trying to imply he's the Antichrist? Let me try to explain:

In the story about Cinderella, the important issue was who's foot would fit the shoe? In other words, all eyes where following the shoe to see who's foot would fit it.

In this case, the shoe is the prophetic word of Scripture. Someday, somebody will show up on the political scene in Europe in a way that will fulfill all the prophecies about how the Antichrist will appear.

Has anyone ever done this before? In my opinion no. In fact, the only reason I have that book about Gorbachev on my shelf is because the book store was almost giving it away and I bought it as a novelty.

That's why when Javier Solana was made Secretary General of the Council of Europe, High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary General of the 10-nation Western European Union in 1999, I took notice. When Solana and the French EU presidency made the 10 nation alliance the military wing of the EU in 2000, I took notice again. And, when I found they did this by implementing the 10 nation's Assembly Recommendation 666, I really took notice.

No, I'm not saying Javier Solana is the Antichrist. What I am say, however, is for the first time that I know about a personality has appeared on the political scene in Europe who appears to be fulfilling the prophecies about the rise of the Antichrist.

Not only that, these events are occurring at a time when Israel is looking for someone who can bring them "peace and safety." And, as I write, Solana is touring the Middle East and visiting top Israeli leaders in another attempt to do just that (Read about it here).

So, am I pinning the tail? I don't think so. I'm just fitting the shoe.

And, I'm not sure yet who's foot it will fit.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.