What Herb thinks
Prophecy Overload

I had to laugh. Yesterday, after emailing me 10 more news articles that had to do with prophecy, my friend sent me an 11th email that said, "I honestly can't keep up. This is amazing."

Evidently, my friend was experiencing what I was experiencing -- "prophecy overload." I don't think I've ever seen so much news flowing out at one time that had to do with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I can't keep up either.

In fact, you may have noticed that I haven't posted anything since 5-25-03. If you've been follow my commentaries, you know it isn't normal for me to go this long without posting something. You may even have been wondering if something was wrong with me.

Well, there is: I got a case of "prophecy overload." Looking at all the news before me, I simply don't know where to start. Should I write a commentary about Israeli prime minister Sharon's sudden, unexpected acceptance of the "Road Map" and a Palestinian state? Or, should I focus on president Bush's plans to implement a US enforcement of the peace plan? How about Bush's idea of creating a US Mediterranean free trade area and permanent US bases in Iraq? Should I write about that? 

At the same time all this is occurring, I read that Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, president of the Convention on Europe's future, has won the prestigious Charlemagne Prize for his work in uniting Europe (Read about it here). Giscard, as you know, is the man who is responsible for creating the new Constitution of Rome that is scheduled to be adopted by the EU heads this December. At that time, the Roman Empire is to be officially reborn.

Interestingly, the Charlemagne Prize was also awarded to former US president Bill Clinton -- and for the same reason -- helping to unite Europe. If you've read my book, Recommendation 666, you know how the Clinton administration made the reunification of Europe we are seeing today possible. One thing I assure you, George W. Bush won't be winning this prize.

As far as the new, super European Union is concerned, it appears we're only about a year away from seeing the dragon lift it's ugly head over Europe. Instead of having separate independent agencies with different responsibilities, the new super EU will become one, single legal personality. It will have a new presidency, a new foreign minister and it will be made up of 25 European nations. From there the EU beast plans to grow to as many as 45 nations strong.

In the middle of this new, super EU, if things stay as they are today, there will be a 10-nation military alliance reluctant to share their powers with anyone else -- just like the prophet Daniel predicted. In other words, the new, super EU will have only 10 horns.

It all appears to be happening now -- what we students of prophecy have been waiting for. And, it's happening so fast that I'm having trouble keeping up with it.

I've got "prophecy overload."


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.