Here's our judgment: Our evangelical Christian community is suffering one of its deadliest attack from false prophets in modern history, and few of us are even noticing. It's called the New Apostolic Reformation Movement. Each day that passes more churches are falling under this movement's demonic influence, and yet most of their congregations aren't even aware of it. Jesus told us to be wise as serpents, but innocent as doves. These Christians have been conditioned to be just the opposite. They've been convinced by these false teachers that it is true Christian virtue to uncritically yield to their authority. Those who don't, they say, haven't matured yet. The bottom line of this heresy is, the leaders of this movement want to be like the original apostles -- like Peter, James and John. They don't just want to be called apostles, they want to have the same authority as did the first apostles. In other words, they want to control other Christians in the way cult leaders do. They also secretly introduce a different version of Bible prophecy. Instead of preaching about the coming kingdom of Christ as foretold by the prophets, they suggest the kingdom of Christ has already come -- and they are it. We either will accept it and their authority, or we won't. This is a reverse theology. It is demonic and dangerous. It calls the good guys bad, and the bad guys good. Last Monday I listened to some of their prophets on TBN -- Dr. Chuck Pierce, Rev. Paul Keith Davis and John Paul Jackson. Here is some of what they had to say. Dr. Chuck Pierce: We are about to experience a seven-year war or season. God's covenant nations will rise up. A door will open up -- an incredible revelatory window. Don't look at our enemies for this seven years. Don't listen to the enemy's voice (like mine?) for nine months. Rev. Paul Keith Davis: God is looking for a body endowed with revelatory understanding. God's going to saturate this earth with His glory. How do we know the truth from the counterfeit? God will raise up for us teachers who will know the Word better that anybody before. These will be teachers who have been with the Teacher. John Paul Jackson: We need a reformation of our old thought process. We need to throw away the tapes we made two years ago. Our prophets need to apologies for their errors. We have come to an apostolic understanding. Now it's time to take the next step. God has given us a foretaste. Now it's time to rise up to the next level and become an Ephesians 4 level church. If you know Bible prophecy, you know this is the opposite of what the Bible actually teaches. Instead of a seven year season of super Christians conquering in the name of Jesus and God saturating the earth with His glory, we are facing the beginning of the seven year period known as the 70th week of Daniel. The first half is to be marked by a great apostasy from the faith. The second half, the revealing of the Antichrist and a great persecution of God's people. This is what Peter meant when he warned: But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves (1 Peter 1:20-21, 2:1-1 New American Standard Bible). The first century apostles all clearly warned there would be a latter day falling away from the faith. They also warned this falling away would be caused by false apostles -- false teachers whose desire it is to be like them in authority. And instead of leading the faithful into God's glorious kingdom, these false apostles will bring swift destruction upon themselves and God's people. And on the wings of abominations will come one who makes desolate (Daniel 9:27). That's why we need to stay tuned! 03-24-04