What Herb thinks
Pulling the Plug

I think the EU may be pulling the plug on Yasser Arafat. Here's why:

If you recall, not that long ago a member of the EU Parliament accused the EU of supporting the Palestinian cause for a sinister reason. She said the EU wanted to keep the conflict going until the EU, and not the US, could bring the final peace settlement.

Well, according to the latest news, it looks like the US is stepping aside and the EU is stepping in. Have you noticed? Suddenly, Sharon has good things to say about Javier Solana and the EU Read about it here. Not only that, Sharon has invited Peres into his coalition. Peres was the Israeli Prime Minister who signed Javier Solana's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace back in 1995.

Like I've been saying, I think a deal has been made. The EU agreed to support America at the UN over Iraq if America would let the EU settle the Israeli/Palestinian dispute.

Now, suddenly, the EU's support for Arafat is fading. Not only that, Arafat's own people are rising up against him Read about it here   I   And here.

Yep, I think Solana may be pulling the plug on old Arafat.

Stay tuned!

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.