I said something in a commentary that set feathers flying. Actually, they were emails flying, not feathers. This is what I said that caused so much commotion: Until recently, I've leaned toward the pre-tribulation rapture view. It was those two words, "until recently." Evidently, when some readers saw those words they thought something like: Herb's gone and done it! He's jumped sides! Like I said, the emails began flying in all directions. Some of these emails that didn't go to me went to people who were very knowledgeable on the subject of the rapture. And wouldn't you know it, not only did some of these very knowable people email me their concerns, most held differing views even with each other. Here I want to thank my readers for their concern. I appreciate it. I also want to thank all those knowledgeable people who contacted me. You don't know how much I've learned about the rapture in the past few days. Thanks! Now, I better explain what I meant by saying, "until recently." First I must translate what "recently" means to somebody my age -- it means in the last few years. Actually, it was my experience writing a book. You see, sometimes we don't really know what we believe until we have to write it down and provide support for our views. When I wrote Recommendation 666, I realized I had to communicate my understanding of Bible prophecy before I could report the events in Europe and Israel that I believed could be actual fulfillments of prophecy. This forced me to study the subject in a way I never had before. And in so doing, I discovered some problems in the pre-tribulation view I never knew existed. For example: Where in Scripture does it say the tribulation is a seven year period? When I read the passages that deal with this terrible period, it's only said to be 3 1/2 years. I realize strict dispensationalism equates this period with the 70th week of Daniel. But, that doesn't really answer this question -- in my opinion it avoids it. Where does Scripture say there's a seven year tribulation? So, until recently I strongly held to the pre-tribulation rapture view. Today I don't strongly hold that view anymore. That doesn't mean, however, I've jumped to another view -- I haven't. I'm still open on the issue of the timing of the rapture. I guess you could say, I'm rapture neutral. 12-07-2003