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Sometimes we say something that reveals a little more than intended. I suspect that's the case with Hal Linsdey's recent commentary, Late Great Planet Earth Revisited. Lindsey said: Before anybody quotes me as saying Javier Solana is the antichrist, I don't know who the antichrist is, and I really don't care Read about it here. What makes Lindsey's statement so revealing? I suspect it may indicate why it has taken Lindsey so long to pick up on this important information. It's as he said, he doesn't really care. Now, if these events I've been reporting are in fact his Late Great Planet Earth Revisited, why doesn't he care? Is it his faith in the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine -- that we'll all be long gone before the antichrist can do his dirty deeds? Or, is it just because, for whatever reason, he just really doesn't care anymore? I say "anymore" because, it was evident he once did care enough to research and write his first book, The Late Great Planet Earth. This is what I think. I'm going to give Lindsey the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Lindsey was covering his backside. He knew if he didn't say those words, some of the strict dispensationalists -- those who control today's popular view -- might jump on him like wolves on their prey. However, there is another reason some may not care -- one that I would rather not believe about anybody. It's that Laodicean problem. It's the idea that God has blessed me so much materially that I have arrived at a special place of favor with God. To these wealthy Christians Jesus said: I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see (Revelation 3:15-18 New American Standard Bible). Here's another example of our taking an easy-out interpretation. You see, most of us believe the hot and cold means one way or the other. In other words, Jesus was saying, I wish you either loved and followed Me or hated and rejected Me. Unfortunately, it's doubtful that's what He was saying. As I've said before, in biblical times people talked different. In this case, it was because they didn't have the luxury of refrigerators and fresh running water like we do. So, in Jesus' day, the words hot and cold were both used to describe water that was good. The term lukewarm was used for bad or impure water. Interesting, living water was the very best. As you know, Jesus used this term when he was speaking with the woman at the well. Friends, Jesus is telling us He will spit the bad or impure out of His mouth. He advises that we buy from Him gold refined in the fire -- pure gold, not the gold of worldly wealth. He also advises us to buy from Him white garments to hide our nakedness and salve for our eyes so we can see. Does this sound familiar? It should. This is also what he advised the 10 sleepy virgins to do when they suddenly awoke to hear the midnight shout, "Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!" Friends, it may be later then we think. It's time to start caring again. 12-23-04